Norwich Farm Share

Norwich FarmShare was set up in 2010 as a community based project to supply locally grown fresh organic vegetables to the city of Norwich and the surrounding area.
It is part of the CSA network, community supported agriculture, and is a mix of professional and volunteer helpers.
One of the main aims was to closely involve the local community as they believe that healthy strong communities thrive on sharing good food and conversation.
The scheme has two areas where they grow their great produce, Postwick and Hewitt high school, which are both in the south Norwich area
The project has gown over the last six months and now have over 50 subscribers to their community vegetable scheme in Norwich and they hope to more than double this number in the next year.

Tierney Woods is currently looking after the project until a new project manager is appointed in September and we have been speaking with her about a possible visit of some of Slow food members to the sites later on this autumn.
For more information about the FarmShare project take a look at
