Organic Ceci,Chick pea and Polenta evening

Members of Slow Food Italy and Slow Food Norwich, along with other interested people attended a wonderful tasting event at the Azienda of Sig Mognon near Senigallia in Le Marche last Sunday evening.
Signor Mognon is well known in the area for the wonderful wines he produces, but he also grows and sells a range of organic produce including Ceci or Chick peas in English.

The evening started with some of the party collecting Ceci growing in the surrounding fields and vineyards while Signor Mognon's wife was preparing the Ceci meal, an organic soup and also organic Polenta.
Before the meal and tastings a talk was given in Italian by an expert in the nutritional and health benefits of Ceci while Signor Mognon helped translate to the many German and English people who were also present that evening.

It was a perfect setting for this event and a very informative evening for all present, we at Slow food Norwich are planning on organising a visit to Signor Mognon's Azienda in the late autumn and possibly also in the spring of 2012.
